The Storm Shadow is still a depleted uranium missile

Observation has confirmed that the SCALP has been converted into a clean missile, that has a clear explosion at impact. This is made visible in interception videos. This video comes from Louhansk and shows an interception of a SCALP with a shaped charge. The plume rises after a flash.

Let’s look closely at the flash :

While it is impacted by a shaped charge, the detonation of the missile itself explains this flash

This is not the case at all with a Storm Shadow. The video of a Buk interception shows a dark plume that does not rise and zero flash.

Let’s note that an interception with a shaped charge is harder than with a Buk. The Scalp is certainly somehow faster than a Storm Shadow. But it’s still subsonic because of the large propellant load and the shape it gives to the missile, together with the initial BROACH configuration, that can be reloaded with a clean HEU or Pu warhead but not made supersonic. New missiles with HEU / Pu can be made supersonic and harder to intercept. It’s impossible with depleted uranium warheads. Russia made weapons deliveries promises after the Mirage 2000 were promised to Ukraine, it would make sense to deliver Buk missiles to third world countries that do not have this technology including Houthis in Yemen and Cuba.

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