Seeing depleted uranium contamination through forest fires – shocking data

The data provided a few days ago by the European Commission on its Facebook account shocked me because I could immediately see how depleted uranium dust (as well as actinide fallout for Chernobyl) impact very deeply the geography of Europe.

The uranium metal can be oxidized several times which is why radioactive fallout from the fire of a reactor can burn again.

The most visible DU fires, for me, in addition to the war in Ukraine (mostly fallout from Ukrainian weapons) and Chernobyl’s remains, are :

– the Sauclières tunnel

– the Germanwings crash’s DU ballast fallout on the French Alps

– Drift from the Balkans, DU remaining in Bosnia Herzegovina and Kosovo

– Fallout from the Dundrennan test range in the UK, which was firing toward the South-West in open air and contaminated Wales through plume drift

– There is a small red spot in Bavaria which corresponds to Bundeswehr testing of DU weapons in the forest (in the 1980s if my memory is good)

– There are spots in Sardinia which correspond to the natural drift to the West of the Salto di Quirra depleted uranium.

– A tiny spot near Biscarosse corresponds to military activities (missile testing) there.

I exclude the big fires in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Romania which are in my opinion naturally related to climate warming, in a context where the CO2 starvation benefits fires, since CO2 is a natural fire extinguisher. I hope I did not forget any military camp.

One can see that the Canjuers military camp does not appear (its theoretical pattern with the Earth’s spin and natural drift westward doesn’t get fires) because the Elysée and the French Armed Forces did a very good work of cleaning with Fermionic condensators, before the more recent cleaning operations abroad. (did I say a cleaning squadron was also sent by the Elysée to Syria ?)

This drift appeared long ago on cancer data from the official anticancer center…

The natural drift of DU is to the West, with the Earth’s rotation. I should not have used a question mark with the “Effet Canjuers”.

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